Bangladesh`s denim from jute just might be the next big break

Bangladesh’s Denim is ruling the global market. The country has big shares in the Denim market of Europe, the US and the United Kingdom. In an industry that is worth US $60 billion worldwide, Bangladesh might just be at the cusp of a leap – one that might have the potential to change the country’s Denim industry forever. Bangladesh’s researchers have managed to find a way to blend jute fibre with cotton to produce a variety of textiles – including the much sought-after Denim. And using such textiles, Bangladesh hopes to produce Denim fabric and products which will be exported worldwide. There is even hope that Bangladesh will be able to export such Denim textile. According to statistics obtained from Eurostat and other sources, Bangladesh is currently the top Denim exporter to Europe – the country’s biggest region-wise export destination – with a market share of 27 per cent. It is the third biggest Denim exporter to the US with over 14 per cent market share. Also, the UK, wher...