What You Need to Know About Small Batch Production

With the resurgence of US manufacturing, there are more options for manufacturing your collection at the quantity you need. Knowing how much production you should start off with can be complicated. Starting small or producing a large run each have their benefits, but which one is right for your brand? What is Small Batch Production? Small batch production is a term used to describe a small production run, t ypically less than 500 units (garments) . Finding factories with low quantities can be daunting, but don’t be afraid to ask a factory representative what their minimums and capabilities are. A lot of the time, factories will list minimums and capabilities right on their website, so be sure to check that out before picking up the phone or emailing them. Where are you selling your product? Your quantities should be dictated by where and how you are selling your collection. Selling online will give you flexibility for pre-orders and limited inventory. It also al...