
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2018

What You Need to Know About Small Batch Production

With the resurgence of US manufacturing, there are more options for manufacturing your collection at the quantity you need.  Knowing how much production you should start off with can be complicated. Starting small or producing a large run each have their benefits, but which one is right for your brand? What is Small Batch Production? Small batch production is a term used to describe a small production run, t ypically less than 500 units (garments) . Finding factories with low quantities can be daunting, but don’t be afraid to ask a factory representative what their minimums and capabilities are. A lot of the time, factories will list minimums and capabilities right on their website, so be sure to check that out before picking up the phone or emailing them. Where are you selling your product? Your quantities should be dictated by where and how you are selling your collection. Selling online  will give you flexibility for pre-orders and limited inventory. It also al...

3 Money Saving Tips for Emerging Designers

Proper product development is essential to launching a successful collection year after year. Without it, you run the risk of losing precious resources like time and money. But, what if you are brand new to the industry? 1. Do Your Homework Know the terminology, I’m serious. There are hundreds (dare I say thousands) of resources for you to use. Looks like  Blue is the New Black, The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Sewn Product Manufacturing , or websites like StartUp FASHION that specialize in helping beginners understand the industry. Research manufacturers, see what their requirements are for production. Do they individualize pricing, or blanket price specific types of designs? See what they need to provide a quote, and go get it. They are busy people, so the fewer questions you have, then after they will be to spend time taking care of you in the future. 2. Simplify your Designs The more complex your design is, the longer it will take to develop and manufacture. The longer it...

A Complete Look at the Sample Making Process

There are so many steps to building your fashion business. One of the most important of these steps is taking your creative ideas from concept to completion. It doesn’t matter how many books you read, your first season can be quite confusing. Especially when you are a complete beginner. There’s the tech pack, patterns, photos, pattern revisions, sample making, more revisions, second samples. When does production actually start? You may think that having a Tech Pack and Patterns are all you need to get your collection produced, and that is most of what you need, but do not underestimate how important garment samples truly are.  Garment Samples have many stages: 1st proto Fit Sample Sales Sample Size Run Pre-Production Are They Really Necessary? We’ve all gone shopping and had some sort of nightmare experience where what was advertised was very different than what you had in front of you (online shopping anyone?). Maybe the arms fit you strange. Maybe the fabric began...